Retour GRETA recognises Italy’s efforts to improve detection of trafficking victims among asylum seekers

Retour GRETA recognises Italy's efforts to improve detection of trafficking victims among asylum seekers
Retour GRETA recognises Italy's efforts to improve detection of trafficking victims among asylum seekers

The Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has urged the Italian authorities to take further action against human trafficking, notably by strengthening measures to combat trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, ensuring effective sanctions for human traffickers, and providing compensation to victims.

In its latest report, GRETA assesses developments since the publication of its second evaluation report on Italy in 2019 as regards the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Among other findings, GRETA recognises that efforts have been made to improve the detection of victims of trafficking among asylum seekers, notably by the territorial commissions for the recognition of international protection. However, GRETA is concerned that the restrictive immigration measures adopted by Italy foster a climate of criminalisation of migrants, resulting in many potential victims of trafficking not reporting their cases for fear of detention and deportation.

According to the report, Italy has taken measures to prevent trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, such as the adoption of guidelines on the identification, protection, and assistance to victims of labour exploitation in agriculture. However, labour exploitation continues to be deeply rooted in some sectors which are highly dependent on migrant labour. GRETA calls on the authorities to step up their efforts to combat trafficking for labour exploitation, including by ensuring that sufficient resources are made available to labour inspectors, strengthening the monitoring of at-risk sectors, and guaranteeing that the living and working conditions of migrant workers meet the requirements laid down in the legislation with a view to preventing abuses. vous produit ce texte qui aborde le thème «  ». Le but de étant de rassembler en ligne des données sur le sujet de puis les diffuser en essayant de répondre du mieux possible aux interrogations que tout le monde se pose. Cet article se veut reconstitué de la façon la plus correcte que possible. Si jamais vous projetez d’apporter quelques précisions autour du sujet «  », vous avez la possibilité de d’échanger avec notre rédaction. Dans les prochaines heures on rendra accessibles à tout le monde d’autres annonces autour du sujet «  ». Alors, consultez régulièrement notre blog.